UPDATE: Please be advised that 30 additional slots have been added for the COVID Vaccination Clinic here at GCCS. Please see below for the original post: COVID CLINIC Gilboa 5/19/21 Johnson and Johnson link: https://apps2.health.ny.gov/do... Johnson and Johnson bitly link: http://bit.ly/GILB519JJ This clinic offers the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. This is a single-dose vaccine offered to members of the Gilboa Central School as well as the community at large. It is available to persons age 18 and older. This clinic will be held at the Gilboa Central School from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Pfizer link: https://apps2.health.ny.gov/do... Pfizer bitly link: http://bit.ly/GILB519PFIZ This clinic offers the Pfizer vaccine. It will be held at the Gilboa Central School from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. It is open to students age 16 and older. Parental accompaniment is preferred for all students. All recipients of this vaccine who are under the age of 18 must have the provided consent signed by a parent/guardian. In the event that a 16 or 17-year-old is NOT accompanied by a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian who signed the consent MUST be available by phone, and able to be reached at that phone number, at the approximate time of the minor’s appointment to confirm eligibility. A clinic staff member will call prior to vaccine administration. The recipient must also be available to receive the second dose 3 weeks later at the same time and location on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. An electronic registration AND signed consent are required for all recipients age 16 - 17. Only electronic registration is required for those age 18 and older. On the day following the first dose, the electronic scheduling system will automatically send an email confirmation for the second visit date/time.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
We would like to wish good luck to the following students on their opening weekend of Middleburgh Little League..... Logan Mattice Bray Shultes Olivia Rikard Mason Robinson Dominic Morales Reed Shultes
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: https://entry.neric.org/gccs It's the only place in the world where today comes before yesterday. Where is it? A dictionary.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Rowan Tyree and Ms. Dawn Kuzma!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Reminder: Krispy Kreme orders are due no later than Thursday, May 20th. Please make checks out to GCCS Yearbook and send to Ms. Fleischman.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: https://entry.neric.org/gccs Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___? Answer: Kate!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jacob Weber!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised that the Varsity boys baseball game scheduled for Monday, May 17th vs Davenport has been postponed…the boys will practice from 3-5 instead.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Gabriel Allen and Polly Kelly!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jonathan Williams and Mr. Tonio Grant!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
UPDATE: Please be advised that the age range for the COVID Vaccination Clinic here at GCCS has changed to include students from ages 12 through 15. Please see below for the original post: COVID CLINIC Gilboa 5/19/21 Johnson and Johnson link: https://apps2.health.ny.gov/do... Johnson and Johnson bitly link: http://bit.ly/GILB519JJ This clinic offers the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. This is a single-dose vaccine offered to members of the Gilboa Central School as well as the community at large. It is available to persons age 18 and older. This clinic will be held at the Gilboa Central School from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Pfizer link: https://apps2.health.ny.gov/do... Pfizer bitly link: http://bit.ly/GILB519PFIZ This clinic offers the Pfizer vaccine. It will be held at the Gilboa Central School from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. It is open to students age 16 and older. Parental accompaniment is preferred for all students. All recipients of this vaccine who are under the age of 18 must have the provided consent signed by a parent/guardian. In the event that a 16 or 17-year-old is NOT accompanied by a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian who signed the consent MUST be available by phone, and able to be reached at that phone number, at the approximate time of the minor’s appointment to confirm eligibility. A clinic staff member will call prior to vaccine administration. The recipient must also be available to receive the second dose 3 weeks later at the same time and location on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. An electronic registration AND signed consent are required for all recipients age 16 - 17. Only electronic registration is required for those age 18 and older. On the day following the first dose, the electronic scheduling system will automatically send an email confirmation for the second visit date/time.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Ms. Fleischman!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: https://entry.neric.org/gccs What is next in this sequence? JFMAMJJASON . . . Answer: The letter “D.” The sequence contains the first letter of each month.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Mrs. Paes!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: https://entry.neric.org/gccs Here’s a list of sports: golf, darts, tennis, cricket, football, badminton. Which should come next: archery, boxing, squash, gymnastics, or baseball? Answer: Gymnastics. Each sport has one more letter than the sport before: “badminton” has nine, so “gymnastics” has 10.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised that school will NOT be in session on Friday, May 28th and Friday, June 18th as these dates will be considered "snow day give back days".
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: https://entry.neric.org/gccs You are in a dark room with a box of matches. Nearby are three things: a candle, an oil lamp and a log of firewood. Which do you light first? Answer: The match
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Dawson Ford and Samus Machia!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Gilboa-Conesville Central School will be holding a COVID Vaccination Clinic on May 19th from 3:30 pm-6:30 pm. For more information click the link below: https://www.gilboa-conesville.k12.ny.us/article/458103 This clinic is for ages 16 through adult. At this time it is not approved for children aged 12 though 15. This is subject to change. Please continue to check back with us for updates. If you have any questions please contact our nurse Ali Cox at 607-588-7541 or acox@gccs.us.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Abigail Butler!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer