Good Morning! Reminder and fun fact for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Did you know? There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to James Martin!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and fun fact for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Did you know? It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. (try it!) Have a great day!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Schoology Training for Parents Please join us this Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. for a Schoology training session for parents. This training will include many operational instructions as well as a question and answer session. You can attend this training virtually by following this link:
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Beginning Monday, January 4th, 2021, GCCS will require a completed Daily Attestation Form for all Students, Faculty and Staff. The link to this form is on our website's home page (at the center of the page, click New Daily Health Attestation Form). The link to our website is below: If using the school's app on your phone or device: 1. Click the menu at the top left 2. From the menu list, click on News 3. At the very top of the page click on the post "New Daily Attestation Form" 4. In this post is the link to the new form ( (for help with this, see attached photos) Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep our school safe for all!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Daily Attestation
Daily Attestation
Daily Attestation
Daily Attestation
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Gretchen Veverka!!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Cash Reynolds!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Happy New Year from all of us here at GCCS!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
new year
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jada Merwin and Mr. McGlynn!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Owen Chapman and Mr. O'Connell!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Our Elementary students worked hard to create their Storybook Christmas Trees this year and we would love for you to check them out! To view the slideshow, please click the link below:
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jesse Williams!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Dylan Merwin!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Mrs. Cestare!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Holiday Message, December 2020 Pandora’s Box and Hope With 2020 ending I wanted to share some hope. I love to read and listen to books and one of my favorites is “The Last Lecture” written by Randy Pausch and Jeffery Zaslow where Randy Pausch talks about achieving his childhood dreams and what he learned of life. In one chapter he references Pandora’s Box, the Greek Myth where a person is put in charge of a magical box but given strict instructions not to open it. We all know the ending: curiosity wins out, the box is opened, and all forms of evil are released into the world. What many may not know or remember, including myself, is that at the bottom of the box was hope. This is how I feel about the last year in our school, our community, our lives, and the world as a whole. During this pandemic we have dealt with many “evils” such as halting in-person school, classrooms and classes split for the safety of staff and students, shutting down of our economy, budget cuts to education, COVID related expenses burdening every school and family, and so many more. These are all real but I choose not to let these events shape my thoughts for the future. I choose to look at the bottom of Pandora’s Box. I choose hope. Hope is all around us if we choose to look. Hope is over 100 volunteers rushing to our school to help extinguish the fire in our bus garage. Hope is the people and businesses that have donated food and gifts to so many of our families in need during the holidays. Hope is the Joshua Project that provided thousands of pounds of food to families in our community during the entire shutdown. Hope is the students, staff, families, board members, and community of the Gilboa-Conesville Central School District that have worked and continue to work tirelessly to keep our doors open for as much in- school instruction as possible. Hope is saying “The sun always shines in Gilboa” and knowing every day we can find that ray of sunshine in some form. We are not out of this crisis and vigilance is still needed, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to support our students. I wish everyone a healthy and safe holiday season, a New Year filled with happiness, and especially filled with hope. Sincerely, Jack Etter Superintendent Gilboa Conesville Central School District
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Malina Lambert!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Christmas Birthday
The Gilboa-Conesville Central School would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
new year
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jacob Cornell!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Michael Buder!!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Colton Harrison!!
over 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer