Please use the link below to view tonight's Board of Education Meeting:
almost 4 years ago, Mandy VanValkenburgh
Please be advised that bandanas, gaiters, and scarves are not allowed to be worn in school. Please make sure your child is wearing a mask that has ear loops or ties. It should fit comfortably (but snugly) against the face. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
no bandanas
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Eben Mattice!!
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Birthday cake
How do I pick my child up from school at the end of the day? If your child is not riding the bus home at the end of the school day please park in the student parking lot. There will be a school employee who will radio for your child to be released to you.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Student Lot
Student Lot
Student Lot
How do I drop off my child at school? If you drive your child to school you must park in the student parking lot and come through the tunnel with your child. All students entering the building on time will come in through the main gym entrance as this is where they will enter and pick up their breakfast. If your child is late they will enter through the main doors.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please note: Due to Covid-19 restrictions students with driving privileges will not be allowed to leave the building and return during the school day. The only exception is if a junior or senior has driving permission and a study hall 9th period they may leave then.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
This link may be easier to access: GCCS Reopening Plan Update:
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
GCCS Reopening Plan Update
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Afternoon, We are all excited to see our students return to the school building tomorrow, October 13th. There are now a number of new procedures in place that were developed to help our students and staff remain safe. Students schedule updates • Elementary School (Pre-K – 6) will take place in person 5 days a week. • The High School (7-12) will be in divided into two groups. Group 1 is 7th, 9th & 10th grades and Group 2 is 8th, 11th & 12th grades. Each group will come into school for 2 days and the following 2 school days will be remote instruction. This week, Group 1 attends school in-person Tuesday and Wednesday and will have remote instruction on Thursday and Friday. Group 2 will have remote instruction Tuesday and Wednesday, attend school in-person Thursday and Friday, and will again have remote instruction the following Monday and Tuesday. The pattern continues like this. • Our kindergarten class will be in the cafeteria and our 4th grade class will be in the auditorium. • In most cases, specials (i.e., art, music, library) will take place in the classroom. PE will be held in the gym or outside, weather permitting. Masks & Social Distancing & Health Form • Masks must be worn at all times with the only exception being teacher-supervised mask breaks and during lunch. • Social distancing (remaining at least 6’ apart) is expected to be maintained at all times. • All families are required to have turned in a health attestation form prior to Tuesday. If you have not turned this in yet please send it with your child on Tuesday. Any student without a completed form will be subject to a temperature check at the door. • When students get off the bus and come in through the gym doors in the morning, they will pick up a “Grab & Go” breakfast to take to their classrooms. Additional updates • Lunches will be brought to students and they will eat lunch in their classrooms. • Students who are driven to school are asked to be dropped off in the student parking lot. The student will then walk through the tunnel to the gym doors where they will be let in. Young students may be escorted to the door. • Students who are late will have to come in through the main entrance of the school. • As of right now, we have no afterschool sports or afterschool activities such as CROP, Drama Productions or intermural sports. • Even though we have no on-site bus garage, our vehicles will be maintained and our bus routes will run as planned. Please call the main office if you have any questions. • Bus passes will only be allowed in an emergency. Our bus routes are designed to meet current health regulations. The school is following the health and safety guidelines outlined by your County Health Commissioner. We ask that all students, families, staff and community members respect these new rules and understand that they are necessary for school to remain open. As we have more updates or questions come in, we will keep you informed. You may always call the main office or email questions to ,which is checked daily. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to your children, our students, and to our school community. Sincerely, Jack Etter, Superintendent Tom Cervola, Principal
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Welcome back to school
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Grace Cooke!!
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Birthday Girl
Our phones are currently not working. We will keep you posted.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to James Bouck!!
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Schoology is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We appreciate your patience. Please continue trying to log in to Schoology throughout the day.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please go to our school website to print out your copy of our required attestation form. The link is located at the center of the home screen.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Welcome back 2020 GCCS students. One week from today we will be welcoming back our Pre-K through 6 students full time as well as our 7 through 12 students in a hybrid model. Just as a reminder, Tuesday, October 13th, 2020, will be our first day of in-person classes. Students in prekindergarten through sixth grade will be attending in-person classes every day. Middle and high school students will attend in-person classes two days in a row, remote classes over the next two days, then again attend in-person classes for the next two days. The schedule will continue in this manner. There will only be three grades from Middle and High School attending in-person classes each day. Students in grades 7, 9, and 10 will report to school for in person classes on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and Wednesday, October 14, 2020, and will log in to Schoology remotely on Thursday, October 15, 2020, and Friday October 16, 2020. Students in grades 8, 11, and 12 will log in to Schoology remotely on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, and Wednesday, October 14, 2020, and will report to school for in-person classes on Thursday, October 15, 2020, and Friday October 16, 2020. All Gilboa-Conesville Central School staff from transportation, custodial, cafeteria, teaching and support staff as well as all administrative staff have been working tirelessly to make our school a safe learning environment. Currently we are working under the Schoharie County Department of Health guidelines who work in conjunction with NYS Department of Health and the CDC. A student health attestation form will be posted later today and is required to be filled out and turned in prior to or when your child returns to school. This form is also being filled out by all faculty and staff. On this form you will attest to the health of your child which will include a daily temperature check as well as answers to CDC guideline questions. Although the form is only required to be turned in monthly you are agreeing to take your child(ren)s temperature daily. We will be transitioning to a daily online COVID health questionnaire within the first six weeks of school. If your child has a fever of over 100° or shows any of the COVID symptoms listed on the attestation form please keep them home and notify our school nurse Mrs. Cox at 607-588-7541 option 3. If your child should arrive without an attestation form their temperature will be taken and we will call home for additional information. Please keep in mind that with our transportation restrictions children will be required to be picked up at one location and dropped off at one location. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions: Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classrooms for all grades. Masks must be worn at all times on the bus and social distancing will be in place. Family members may sit together on the bus. Students will get mask breaks during the day and will be permitted to remove them during lunch. Restrooms will be monitored and sanitized as necessary. Procedures will be shared when students return. Remote learning will only be available to families with medical accommodations which will require documentation and verification. We will continue to disseminate information as it becomes available. Remember if you have any questions to email We will do our best to address your concerns in a timely fashion. We look forward to seeing all of our students next week! Jack Etter Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Mine Kill State Park is in need of volunteers! We are hosting Haunted Hike programs on October 30th and 31st from 5pm to 10pm and we are currently looking for volunteers to work as either general helpers or to dress up as scarers. Scarers will be kept at a safe distance off trail and everyone attending and participating will be required to wear a mask. We would love to provide any high school students in need of volunteer/service hours an opportunity to support their local state park and give their community some much needed social enrichment and scares! P.S. Volunteers will receive free pizza and candy! Email Katlynn at to sign up as either a helper or a scarer. One training day will be required. Bring sturdy shoes, water, and a costume if you have one. MASKS AND RESERVATIONS REQUIRED! All ages welcome. No pets please.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please note that BOCES was originally scheduled to have a full Conference Day on Friday, October 9, 2020. Due to using an extra day at the start of the year, BOCES will have a half-day of in-person instruction on Friday, October 9, 2020. All students will be dismissed at 11:23 AM. A memo is being sent home with students today to inform families of the change.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
College Fair for Students with Intellectual Disability Free Virtual Event This Wednesday, October 7, 6-8pm EST The Choice is Yours: Interested in exploring your college options? Join us for a virtual college fair and explore dozens of inclusive college programs from around the country by visiting our online exhibit hall. Wednesday night only: • Visit program booths and chat live with programs through dedicated zoom links. • Download our exhibitor guide. • Enter to win a "Time for College" swag bag just by showing up! Resources will remain available for you to visit throughout the year. Learn more at
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
College Fair
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jordan Baio, and Dean Martin!!
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Emergency Board of Education meeting will be held tonight, October 5, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Taramichele Cammer