
Grants Development Staff in Pursuit of Equity

  • Coordinate with FPS departments:

    • To inform of funding opportunities; 
    • To inform of funding priorities; 
    • To obtain programmatic and financial review and approvals for grant proposals;
    • To ensure compliance;
    • To assist in preparing budget proposals, required forms and assurances; and more.

    Also manages:

    • Title I, Improving The Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged, 
    • Title IIA, Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Learning, 
    • Title IV, Student Support and Academic Achievement


    • Title III, Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students


  • Grants Financial Manager
    Kate Fiore

Types of Available Grants

  • Competitive Grant

    • For applicants that meet the criteria listed in the RFP.
    • Reading teams and rating sheets are used in the review process

    Non-Competitive Grant

    • Awarded on a first come, first basis
    • Have a limited number of recipients based on the eligibility criteria
    • On a continuous basis to the same participants but at a higher level support

    Continuation Grant 

    • Grants were initially competitive and are funded for multiple years on a continuation basis
    • Recipients are awarded funds at the same level for the following year

    Entitlement Grant

    • Awarded based on the basis of formulas set forth in laws or regulations.
    • Recipients are entitled to receive funds if they comply with the programmatic requirements outlined in the RFP.

Applying for a grant? Please follow these steps

  • 1) Search for a grant specified to your needs. NOTE: 501(c) grants can only be applied by the PTO

    2) Complete the Grants Development/Intent Form once the decision to apply for a grant has been made

    3) Complete the grant application and state who the grant manager (GM) will be

    4) Submit the grant application to the GDO Team for programmatic and financial review, and to obtain required signatures. We will then contact the GM, via email, when the application is ready for submission 

    5) GM must notify the GDO Team on the grant application status of approval to set it up in the system

    6) After grant approval, GDO's Grant Financial Manager will set-up an account for the grant under MUNIS. Immediate notification of account set up will follow as to allow the GM to spend down funds

    7) If the grant involves contractual services, a Service Agreement Form must be submitted before services begin.

    8) An End-of-the-Year report of the grant summarizing the grant’s effectiveness will be requested 

    9) Upon completion of the funds, the GDO Team will close out the grant. The grant process is completed.