• Workout 4

    Posted by John Cincotta on 3/22/2018 7:00:00 AM

    Workout 4


    The Burpee Challenge


    Hello Hemenway Families!

    This month I would like to challenge all of you to track your progress and see if you can make improvements over the course of time.


    The challenege is to complete 30 Burpees in a row.

    Time yourself, record the score and see if you can beat that score in the future. Let me know how it goes at jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us 


    Caroline showing off her muscles at kickboxing class! Way to go!

    Caroline Boxing


    I love this picture so much! A whole family inspiring each other to incorperate fitness into their lives!!

    Family Planks

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  • Workout 3

    Posted by John Cincotta on 3/1/2018 8:00:00 AM



    Thank you so much for checking out the Family Fitness Blog and participating with your children! Keep up the great work with this new family workout


    Workout 3

    20 Mountain Climbers

    5 Push ups

    10 Mountain Climbers

    5 Push ups

    5 Mountain Climbers

    5 Push ups


    Check out these amazing boat poses from the Tsekrekas family! Nice work Samantha, Cassandra, and Evan!



    Keep up the great work, and send your family fitness pictures to jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us


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  • 7 Days of Movement

    Posted by John Cincotta on 2/7/2018 8:00:00 AM

    Hey Everybody!

    Make sure you and your family stay active all year round. It’s easy to let the cold and dark slow us down, but even a little bit of movement can give our health and happiness a major boost. So for 7 days try to do each one of these exercises!


    Day 1: 20 Jumping Jacks - Can you do this more than once?

    Day 2: High Plank - How long can you hold the high plank?

    Day 3: 20 Burpees - Can you do 20 perfect burpees?

    Day 4: 20 second Boat Pose - Can you do this more than once?

    Day 5: 40 Jumping Jacks - Can you do this without stopping?

    Day 6: Mountain Climbers - How long can you perform mountain climbers?

    Day 7: How Many Burpees can you do in 1 minute? How long will it take you to do 30?


    Webster boys love family fitness! Nice jumping jacks!

    Webster Boys

    Gracie's building strength with that high plank! So awesome!

    High Plank

     Send your pictures to jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us



    Comments (-1)
  • Workout 2

    Posted by John Cincotta on 1/18/2018 7:00:00 AM

    Thank you so much for all your support with the first workout!


    Workout 2

    10 Burpees

    10 Mountain Climbers

    10 Burpees

    10 Mountain Climbers

    10 Burpees


    Mark working hard with the family dog. Keep up the good work!

    FFP Mark


    Send your pictures to jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us


    What is a burpee? Ask your student or click on this link.



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  • First Family Workout

    Posted by John Cincotta on 1/2/2018 2:00:00 PM

    Workout 1

    20 Jumping Jacks

    30 second High Plank

    20 Jumping Jacks

    30 second Boat Pose

    20 Jumping Jacks


    Sam and Sophie doing their High Planks!

     Sam and Sophie

    Send your pictures to jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us 



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  • Welcome!

    Posted by John Cincotta on 1/2/2018 1:00:00 AM

    Welcome to the Family Fitness Blog!


    Here you will find short workout routines that your student has done in Physical Education and can be done in your home as a family. By exercising as a family I hope you insipre your children to become life long movers. If you have any questions feel free to email me at jcincotta@framingham.k12.ma.us


    Please send me pictures of your students exercising so I can share them on the blog!

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