Wellness Policy

  • Barbieri School encourages and promotes wellness throughout our school. In order to better promote wellness and align with the Framingham Public School Wellness Policy, we want to review the Wellness Initiative that we have established at Barbieri. As stated in the district program, students will be receiving “consistent nutrition messages from all aspects of the school program”.

    • Lessons and Rewards: Food is rarely used during lessons. Barbieri’s Wellness Initiative encourages limiting using food to support lessons in the classroom, but if food is used, the food is healthy and nutritious and is a substitute for snack. Food is not used as a reward in any setting.

    • Birthdays: Birthdays are celebrated at Barbieri without food. Teachers will notify parents of the specific plan for their classrooms. In addition, this plan helps control the risk of affecting the numerous students in our school who have food allergies. We understand that parents like to celebrate birthdays with cupcakes and treats, but we ask families to please do that at home.

    • Classroom celebrations: Barbieri’ s W ellness Initiative encourages celebrations without food (celebrations such as pajama day, sports day, “crazy” day, etc.).

    • Snacks: Please avoid sending snacks such as candy, chips, or soda. Snacks like fresh fruit and vegetables, yogurt, cheese, etc. give children the energy they need to perform academically and physically without empty calories.

      Thanks for your support of Barbieri’s Wellness Initiative as evolves. We appreciate your cooperation.