Nurse's Office


    Helpful Links and Information 

    A fever indicates that your child is contagious when they are ill. District policy is that students can return to school when they are fever- free for a minimum of 24 hours without having taken fever-reducing medicines like Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil (ibuprofen), or combination cold medicines including these products. Similar guidelines apply to students who have started on antibiotics for a contagious illness like strep throat or impetigo skin rash. Students may return to school when they have been on the medication for 24 hours or greater.

    Field Trips
    If your child has a chronic medical issue or a lifethreatening food or environmental (ie: bee sting) allergy, consider chaperoning on the field trip to insure the ideal safety situation for your child. Whenever available, of issues. In the event you cannot attend as chaperone and a nurse is not available to accompany the field trip, you will be notified in advance and alternative plan for your child’s safety while on the field trip will be discusse

    Head Lice Management Plan
    Visit the Health Information Page to view our Head Lice Management Plan

    If an injury occurs outside of school and your child needs a gym excuse or restriction in activity during the school day, please accompany your child back to school after the injury and provide medical documentation of the injury and restrictions needed. The nurse will develop an individual health care plan for your child accordingly and notify teachers and staff who will be involved in the plan in a timely way.

    Measles Prevention
    View brochure on Measles prevention

    View the letter for Norovirus Information: English  Portuguese Spanish

    School Health Services 
    School Health Services staff collaborate with various community resources to provide the best services to our students and their families

    Did you know that you can bring your children in late after a medical appointment?   We love to see our students every day so late is better than not at all!   You may also dismiss and return them to make their medical appointments with little time out of school.  Please remember to ask your doctor for a note to excuse the absence as well. 



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