Dunning Physical Education

  • Welcome to the Physical Education Corner! 

    "Movement without a purpose is just going through the motions"

    It is my pleasure to be teaching physical education at Dunning Elementary School. As part of the curriculum, your child will be participating in a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities.

    Students will be challenged, guided and encouraged to always try their best. The program will be guided by three major principles that develop the "whole person." These are the development of the physical, social, and cognitive domain. The skills and concepts your child will learn help set the foundation for them as they enter into adolescence and adulthood.

    Physical activity is an integral part of our life. Participating regularly in a structured program improves social skills, coordination, endurance and relieves stress. Research has shown that physical exercise may boost brain function, improve mood and increase learning. Exercise allows for more blood to flow to the brain, which in turn allows for more cell growth. Each child regardless of age or ability level is unique and brings with him or her special talents.

    My major goals/objectives are derived from the NASPE content standards in physical education. During the year your children will demonstrate the following seven competencies. [NASPE stands for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education]

    • Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.
    • Exhibits a physically active lifestyle.
    • Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
    • Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction.
    • Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.
    • Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.
    • Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness.

    Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to email me. I will respond within twenty-four hours. I look forward to a fantastic year.

    Sincerely, Mr. Greenhouse
    Physical Education Teacher


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