Department of Transportation

Welcome to the Transportation Department

  • The primary mission of the Framingham Transportation Department is to provide students with safe and secure transportation to and from school in a friendly environment that enhances the total learning process.  

     "The school bus is considered to be an extension of the classroom. ~ Students should act accordingly."


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Safety & Conduct on School Bus


      • We are pleased to share this information on how to be a safe bus rider. Ensuring student safety at bus stops and while riding to and from school is our most important priority. It is also a partnership between parents, students, bus drivers and school. So, we encourage parents and students to take a few minutes to review the safety steps and guidelines.

        Our school bus drivers and transportation staff are focused on delivering safe and secure transportation to the students of Framingham every single day.

        Bus Rider Responsibilities

        Bus Value

        Waiting for the Bus

        Loading and Unloading the Bus

        Riding the Bus

        Be Responsible

        Arrive 5-10 minutes before pick up time 

        Walk on sidewalks and use a direct route

        Have belongings ready

        If there’s a problem at the bus stop, inform an adult

        Place backpack on your lap or on the floor

        Gather belongings when approaching the school/bus stop

        Enter and exit the bus quickly and safely using handrail

        Keep food and drink in your backpack

        Listen and follow the driver's instructions

        If there’s a problem on the bus, inform the bus driver

        Use Safety

        Wait in designated area, out of the danger zone

        Keep hands and feet to self

        Wait for the bus to stop completely before loading/unloading

        When crossing the road, wait for driver’s hand signal

        Always cross in front of the bus

        Maintain personal space when loading and unloading the bus in single file

        Sit in seat, face forward, and feet down

        Get permission to change seats

        Keep all body parts and belongings inside the bus

        Show Respect

        Respect private and public property

        Use kind words and actions

        Greet the driver

        Be courteous: use good manners

        Use proper language

        Be seated quickly and slide over/in

        Maintain bus cleanliness

        Respect bus property

        Use appropriate language and indoor voices


        Student Conduct

        The school bus is considered an extension of the classroom. Students are expected to follow the district’s Code of Character, Conduct,and Support (English). If behaviors occur on the bus, administrators will be following the leveled consequence structure of the Code. 

        School Committee Policies: EEAEC, EEAEC-R-1

        Link to the FPS School Committee Policy: Student Conduct on School Buses


      • Nos complace compartir esta información sobre cómo ser pasajero seguro en los buses. Nuestra prioridad es garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes en las paradas de autobús y mientras son conducidos a la escuela.  También es un prioridad la asociación entre los padres, estudiantes, conductores de autobuses y la escuela. Así que animamos a los padres y a los estudiantes a tomar unos minutos para revisar las medidas de seguridad y directrices.

        Nuestro personal de transporte y conductores de autobuses escolares se centralizan en ofrecer, cada día a todos los estudiantes de Framingham, el transporte seguro.

        Las Responsabilidades del Pasajero

        Valores en el bus

        Esperando el Bus

        Subiendo y bajándote del bus

        Andando en el Bus



        Llegues 5 a 10 minutos antes del tiempo de la recogida.

        Ten tus pertenencias todas listas

        Si hay un problema en la parada de bus, informarle a un adulto

        Pon tu mochila en tu regazo o en el piso  

        Vayas recogiendo tus pertenencias cuando el autobús se va aproximando a la escuela

        Entres y salgas ligeramente, agarrando con seguridad la barandilla del autobús 

        Mantén la comida y bebidas en tu mochila 

        Escucha y sigas las instrucciones del conductor 

        Si hay un problema en el autobús, dígaselo al conductor del autobús

        Seas seguro

        Esperes en el área designado, fuera de la zona de peligro 

        Mantén las manos y los pies quietos

        Antes de subir o bajar, espera a que el autobús se detenga completamente 

        Al cruzar la calle, espera la señal de mano del conductor 

        Cruza siempre enfrente del autobús 

        Al subir o bajar del autobús, mantén el espacio personal y estés en fila 

        Siéntate en el asiento, mirando hacia delante, y con los pies en el piso

        Obtén el permiso para cambiar de asiento 

        Mantén todas las partes del cuerpo y tus pertenencias dentro del bus

        Seas Respetuoso

        Respeta la propiedad privada y pública 

        Usa palabras y acciones amables 

        Saludes al conductor

        Seas cortés: muestres los  buenos modales 

        Usa lenguaje apropiado 

        Siéntate rápidamente y deslízate  hacia adentro en el asiento

        Mantén limpio el autobús 


        Respeta la propiedad 

        Uses el lenguaje apropiado y tu voz de adentro 


        Conducta Estudiantil

        El autobús escolar se considera una extensión del salón de clases. Se espera que los estudiantes sigan el Código de Carácter, Conducta y Apoyo del Distrito (español). Para comportamientos inapropiados ocurridos en el autobús, los administradores seguirán la estructura de consecuencias por niveles del Código.


      • Temos o prazer de compartilhar essa informação em como ser um passageiro de ônibus seguro. Garantir a segurança do aluno nas paradas de ônibus e enquanto se dirige para a escola é a nossa principal prioridade. Também é uma parceria entre pais, alunos, motoristas de ônibus e escola. Então, nós incentivamos os pais e os alunos a tirar alguns minutos para rever os passos de segurança e orientações.

        Os nossos motoristas de ônibus escolares e pessoal de transporte estão focados em fornecer transporte seguro e proteção para os alunos de Framingham todos os dias.

        Responsabilidades do Aluno como passageiro




        Esperando o ônibus

        Entrando e saindo do ônibus

        Dentro do ônibus

        Seja Responsável

        Esteja no ponto do ônibus 5-10 minutos antes do horário marcado 

        Tenha seus pertences preparados

        Se houver um problema no ponto, comunique a um adulto

        Coloque sua mochila no seu colo ou no chão


        Recolha seus pertences quando tiver se aproximando da escola ou da parada

        Entre e saia do ônibus rapidamente e em segurança usando o corrimão  

        Mantenha comida e bebida dentro de sua mochila

        Ouça e siga às instruções do motorista do ônibus

        Se houver um problema no ônibus, informe ao motorista



        Espera na área designada, fora da área de perigo 

        Controle seus braços e pernas

        Espere que o ônibus pare completamente antes de subir ou descer

        Quando atravessar a rua, espere pelo sinal do motorista de que pode atravessar  

        Sempre atravesse na frente do ônibus

        Mantenha-se em fila única ao subir e descer do ônibus respeitando o espaço pessoal dos outros alunos

        Permaneça sentado, olhando para frente e com os pés no chão 

        Peça permissão para trocar de lugar

        Mantenha todo o corpo e seus pertences dentro do ônibus 

        Demonstre Respeito

        Respeite as propriedades públicas e privadas 

        Use palavras e gestos cordiais

        Cumprimente o motorista

        Seja gentil: use boas maneiras

        Use linguajar apropriado

        Sente-se rapidamente e mova-se para dar espaço a outra pessoa

        Mantenha o ônibus limpo

        Respeite a propriedade do ônibus

        Use linguajar apropriado e voz baixa


        Conduta do Aluno

        O ônibus escolar é considerado uma extensão da sala de aula. Espera-se que os alunos sigam o Código de Caráter, Conduta e Apoio do distrito (português). Se ocorrerem comportamentos no ônibus, os administradores estarão seguindo a estrutura de consequências que estão niveladas do Código.   

      Frequently Asked Questions

      • Can my child ride another bus or get off at a stop other than their assigned home bus stop?

      • My child is staying over a friend’s house. Can they ride their friend’s bus?

      • Can you notify me about major bus delays?

      • Why are students asked to arrive at the bus stop five-ten minutes before the bus pickup time?

      • My child's bus frequently arrives later than the scheduled pickup time. What causes the delays?

      • The bus didn't show up on time for my child. How long should he/she wait at the stop?

      • My child's bus arrives later/earlier than I want. Can the time be changed?

      • My child missed the bus. Can the bus come back to the bus stop?

      • My child missed the bus at school this afternoon. Can the bus come back?

      • I can't see my child's bus stop from my house. How can I get the bus stop moved closer?

      • The bus drives right past my house. Why can't it stop at my house?

      • Does the bus driver have the right to assign seats on the bus?

      • Who should I speak to about problems that occurred on my child's bus?

      • Another child is harassing or bullying my child while they are on the bus. What should I do?

      • Are there consequences if a student misbehaves on the bus?

      • The bus driver disciplined my child on the bus today. Does the driver have the right to do this?

      • What is a student conduct report?

      • Can a family member or other adult board a school bus at the bus stop or at school?

      • I think my child's bus is overcrowded. How many children can ride a full-sized school bus?

      • Can students bring large musical instruments with them on the bus?

      • How do I locate a lost item on a school bus?


        Framingham Public School buses are equipped to monitor bus activity with the use of audio and visual recordings. School Administration generally requests to review the footage when a situation on a bus has been brought to their attention. Our current vendor, NRT Bus, may review footage for employee performance evaluations.