About Us

  • Mission
    The mission of Barbieri School is to prepare our students to become successful global citizens. We challenge them to reach their academic potential and teach them the value of cultural, economic and learning differences, with an emphasis on bi-lingualism and biliteracy.

    Barbieri School will be a vibrant learning community where all members of our school community are respected, valueds and included.

    • All students are challenged and supported to reach their full learning potential in all academic areas.
    • For the two-way students, this includes developin high levels of proficiency in English and Spanish in all 4 areas of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    • Curriculum is aligned with national, state and district standards.
    • Parents are welcomed and engaged as partners in the education of their children.
    • All staff are provided with on-going professional development aligned with both school and professional goals.
    • Community partnerships support the mission of the school.

    Barbieri Pledge
    I am a proud Barbieri student.
    I care for my classroom and school.
    I care about my academic work.
    I respect myself and the people in my school community.
    I give my best effort every day.
    I am a proud Barbieri student.