Pupil Services
Pupil Services Elementary Coordinator
Sara Collette
Pupil Services Secondary & Transition Coordinator
Christina DeCrescenzo
Pupil Services Magnet School Coordinator
Christopher Calbo
District Physical Therapist
Megan Copeland
District Occupational Therapist
Denise Butt
District Occupational Therapist
Chelsea Bradley
District BCBA
Patricia Mastriano
Pupil Services Administrative Assistant
Deborah Prunier
About Pupil Services & Resources
Acerca de los servicios y recursos para alumnos
East Haven Public Schools provide a free, appropriate public education for each preschool and school-aged child requiring special education and related services. The district provides each child requiring special education and related services with a program appropriate to the child's needs as set forth in an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
East Haven Public Schools have established procedures for developing, implementing, reviewing, maintaining, and evaluating IEP's for each child requiring special education and related services. The IEP is based on the diagnostic findings and the educational progress of the child. Changes in a child's IEP can only occur through recommendations made at a PPT meeting based upon the current IEP and information relating to the child's current educational performance. An IEP shall be in effect at the beginning of each school year for every child with a disability who requires special education services. Before any student with disabilities is initially placed in a special education program, a full individual evaluation of the child's educational needs is conducted by the East Haven Public Schools.
Parent Resources relating to Individualized Education Programs:
Parent Guide to Special Education in Connecticut
English - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SDE/Special-Education/Parents_Guide_SE.pdf
Spanish - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SDE/Special-Education/parents_guide_SE_span.pdf
Individualized Education Plan Manual
Building a Bridge, A Resource For High School Students
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
Other useful information can be found at the state department website by clicking on the following link:
Parental Notification of the Laws Relating to the use of Seclusion and Restraint in the Public Schools
Procedural Safeguards Notice
English - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DOC/Pdf/EducationProceduralSafeguardspdf.pdf
Spanish - https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SDE/Special-Education/Prosaf_Spanish.pdf?la=en
Medicaid Information
English - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwQpP42WHt9dMTl4R0hTajN4TkE/view?usp=sharing
Spanish - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwQpP42WHt9dY1BHTjJBNUVmeUk/view?usp=sharing
Autism Toolkit: Challenging behaviors represent some of the most concerning and stressful features of autism. These behaviors can often cause harm or damage, family and staff stress and caregiver burnout. Parents may feel guilty and responsible. It is important to know that you should not blame yourself for behaviors that you find difficult. Sometimes, the extraordinary steps parents go through for their children with complex needs might not be enough and additional supports and resources might be necessary.
Children's Mental Health Resource:
Mental health is just as important as physical health to a child's well-being. Looking for information on children's mental health? Check out the link below for more information including child trauma, mental health in school, infant/early childhood mental health and best evidence-based practices.
Homeless Education:
Talented and Gifted (TAG):
Students performing in the top percentile ranks on nationally normed and standardized assessments, as well as in daily classwork or demonstrate outstanding talent in the creative arts are considered for a Talented and Gifted classification.
For more information on the Talented and Gifted process, please see the "TAG" tab under "Teaching and Learning."
New Haven Resource Guide:
East Haven Public School Resource Guide:
35 Wheelbarrow Lane
East Haven, CT 06513
Director of Pupil Services - Robert Swan
203-468-3312 (Phone)
203-468-3868 (Fax)