East Haven Public School District sees the uniqueness of each student and values the diversity found within our community. We believe that every learner deserves a meaningful social and academic experience that motivates active participation, community involvement, and risk taking.
We recognize that:
The acquisition of a second language is a challenging and complex process
It is important to validate each student's culture to promote self esteem
With this in mind, our program reflects best practices in the field of second language acquisition, supports the teaching of Connecticut English Learner Proficiency (CELP) Standards, and is provided by well trained teachers. We offer instruction that builds upon students' background knowledge to prepare them for success in their mainstream classes and into the future.
Please access the information below to find resources for you and your family.
English Learners Brochure [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [Haitian Creole] [Polish] [Portuguese] [Spanish], courtesy of the Connecticut State Department of Education.
English Learners and State Assessments Brochure [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [Haitian Creole] [Polish] [Portuguese] [Spanish], courtesy of the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Connecticut Family Guide to Supporting English Learners [English] [Spanish], courtesy of the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Courses available at the Adult Learning Center.
Click here for activities and information from the Hagaman Library
Click here for some helpful immigration information, an additional site can be found here.
Please also review the important letter from our Governor included in the attached files below.
Below is more information about our programs, learning websites and recipes for home: (Good and Cheap is courtesy of Author: Leanne Brown)
ESL Parent Information

Información para padres sobre ESL