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Archive of Historical Documents

Measure HH Projects by Phase: PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 2018
Measue HH Projects by Phase

October 16, 2019 update: the document above reflects the planned Phase 1 projects as of November 2018. Between that date and October 2019, the Board approved a number of modifications to this plan. Here is a list of the modifications, and the date on which they were approved:

  1. BV relocatables:  Will be addressed as part of Phase 2 campus modernization (Board approved on 1/23/19)
  2. Fencing:  Round 1 fencing costs were moved to Prop P (Board approved on 2/27/19)
  3. Kelly Elementary:  Round 1 fencing funds were reallocated to Kelly Elementary’s Multipurpose Room (MPR) project (Board approved on 2/27/19)
  4. Solar & battery storage:  Consolidated at half of CUSD campuses instead of all campuses (Board approved on 8/21/19)
  5. Cultural Arts Center (CAC):  Moved from Phase 5 to Phase 3 (Board approved on 8/21/19)
  6. CAC electrical:  Moved from Phase 4 to Phase 3 (Board approved on 8/21/19)
  7. Phase 5 adjustments to provide funding for CAC (Board approved on 8/21/19)
    • Reduced budget for outdoor learning spaces, turf fields, perimeter running tracks, NCA renovation
    • These projects are to be restored as state matching funds become available
  8. BV STEAM Lab:  Will be addressed as part of Phase 2 campus modernization (9/18/19)
  9. Visitor Management System:  Was erroneously not listed on the November 2018 document

The current list of projects can be found here.

long range facility master plan

CUSD Dates of Construction