ELL at Canton City Schools

  • Canton City Schools has over 500 English language learners (ELL). English language learners are students who speak a language other than English or who have a second language spoken at home.

    Our English Language Teachers (ELTs) are trained in this specialized area and are licensed and certified to offer modified and specialized language supports in and out of the traditional classroom setting. Our ELTs focus on reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    If you have questions about the services provided to students at Canton City Schools, please contact Mrs. K Potts-Brooks at Potts-Brooks_K@ccsdistrict.org

    For more information on ELL and EL programming, please visit: ODEW’s English Learners in Ohio


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  • How does CCSD determine ELL status?

  • How often does an ELL student receive support?

  • What are the goals of the English Language Teacher?

  • How does an ELL student “exit” EL services?

  • How long does it take for an ELL student to Exit?

  • How is grade-level placement determined for an incoming ELL?

  • How many cultures and languages are represented in the district?