McKinley High School Counseling Department

  • Welcome to Mckinley High School's School Counseling Department!

    We strive to provide comprehensive school counseling services to all McKinley students and their families. Feel free to contact your counselor with any questions or concerns about (but not limited to) the following:

    • Course Selection/Scheduling
    • College Planning/ACT/SAT testing
    • Career Planning/Career Tech options
    • Social/Emotional concerns

    Parents: Please contact your child's counselor directly by email or phone if you would like to set up an appointment.

    To contact Mrs. Shaw, the Department Chair, you may do so at or by calling 330-330-438-2750, ext. 17316

White Team

  • A-K: Mrs. Thomas

    330-438-2750, ext. 17317


    L-Z: Mrs. Wilson

    330-438-2750, ext. 17337


Black Team

Red Team