What is Credit by Demonstrated Mastery?

  • Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) offers North Carolina students the opportunity to personalize and accelerate their learning by earning course credit through a demonstration of mastery of course material without requiring the student to complete classroom instruction for a certain amount of seat time.

    Through Credit by Demonstrated Mastery, students demonstrate their command of course material, showing a deep understanding of the content standards as well as applying their knowledge of the material.  Students will complete a two phase process to show this mastery of the course material.  

    Phase 1 consists of a state or local assessment aligned to the course.  This assessment could be an End of Course test, a Career and Technical Education (CTE) post-assessment, or a locally developed exam depending on the course chosen.  In Phase 2, students will be asked to demonstrate their mastery of the course content through a minimum of a written assignment and a presentation.  Phase 2 requirements will vary from course to course but will be directly related to the knowledge and skills for the particular course.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Credit by Demonstrated Mastery is open to all North Carolina students in grades 9-12.  Students can apply for CDM for all high school courses except the following:

    • Career and Technical Education (CTE) work-based learning courses (co-op, internship, apprenticeship) and courses that are being field tested
    • CTE courses with a clinical setting (i.e. ProStart, Early Childhood Education I and II, and Nursing Fundamentals)
    • CTE Advanced Studies courses
    • English Language Learner (ELL) courses
    • Healthful Living required courses
    • Advanced Placement courses
  • Click the links on the left menu bar for more information about Credit by Demonstrated Mastery.