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    CCS Medication Policy


      Forms Available Below  

    The Caldwell County School System and the Caldwell County Health Department have established a medication procedure in an effort to provide for safe administration of medication in schools. 

    Medication may be given during the school day, as determined by a doctor or a parent, that cannot be scheduled outside the school day, but is necessary for the child's well being and ability to function in school. 

    Medications include prescription, emergency, and over-the-counter medications.

    If your child is sick, we recommend that he/she receive medical care and follow the physician's advice. 

    In the event that medication must be given during the school day, a medication consent form must be completed by a parent/guardian.  For students who will self-administer and carry their own medication, the prescribing physician must complete and sign the appropriate section of the consent form. The form must be returned before medication will be administered.

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    •  Must be in Prescription bottle
    •   Labeled with Student's name,
        medication  name, and dosage
    •  Must be in Original Counter
    •  Labeled with Student's name and dosage

    Click icon for
    Medication Consent Form

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