Phone: 828-396-2341 Extension 336398


Degrees and Certifications:

Middle Grades Education English and Social Studies

Mr. Chris Collette

Mr. Collette began teaching at GFMS in 2012.  He received his degree in Middle Grades Education in English and Social Studies at Appalachian State University.

Assignments can be found in Canvas.  Please feel free to email using the link provided.

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
-Margret Mead


Course Description:

. Welcome to my English class.  This year we will work on the skills that will help students be successful in school and learn skills to apply to "real life" situations as well.  We will work on being able to read fluently and comprehend what we have read.  We will work on the Standard Course of Study in all classes to help students to to gain proficiency on End of Grade test.  Also, we should have a lot of fun along the way! 

Materials Needed:

  • Pencil
  • Comp Book
  • Colored pencils
  • Glue stick

Classroom Procedures and Expectations

  • Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Willing - PBIS expectations
  • There is no eating in the classroom.
  • Upon entering the classroom, get your Chromebook and be ready to begin class.
  • When exiting the classroom, wait to be dismissed by the teacher, push in your chair, and exit the room quietly.

Behavior Management

First offense: The classroom teacher implements PBIS strategies to improve behavior. Student is entered into the schoolwide behavior matrix as a warning. Student is notified privately of entries. Teacher and student will conference in the hall about expectations. 

Second (and after) offense: The classroom teacher continues to implement PBIS strategies to improve behavior. Student name is entered into the schoolwide behavior matrix. Student is notified privately of entries and upcoming parent contact. Teacher and student will conference in the hall about expectations.  Parent contact is made.

Extreme offenses: The classroom teacher cannot change outcomes with classroom level PBIS strategies. Therefore, an office referral will be entered into Educator's Handbook, the schoolwide discipline reporting system.  The student will be called to the office to speak with the principal or assistant principal. The classroom teacher will call home to discuss the incident prior to the principal contacting home. 

Grading Policy

  • Grading policies are consistent with the expectations of Caldwell County Schools and are detailed in the GFMS handbook located in your child’s planner.  
  • You can expect to receive a minimum of one (1) grade each week for a minimum total of nine (9) grades per nine weeks. This grade will be calculated based on the work that has been completed in class.  We will working on fluency, comprehension, writing, text features, and a variety of topics such as plot and author's purpose.  A weekly grade will be entered based on these.
  • Grades are weighted the same for all assignments.  These grades will be averaged together to come up with a final grade at the end of the nine weeks.
  • All work will be finished in class.  Students who are absent are required to make up the work they have missed.  Some of the work that is done in class cannot be made up, and a mark of exempt or absent will be applied to the score.
  • Due to the nature of the class structure, there will be no late work.  Work is completed in the classroom.  If a student choses not to work in class, the grade will be entered as a "0" with a late and missing comment in PowerSchool.  These assignments can be turned in later for full credit.  The lowest grade assigned for work that is attempted in class will be a "50."
  • You must email me to let me know you have completed/redone an assignment. Your assignment will not be graded until you email me. Please remember to use the etiquette rules we discussed in class. 
  • All grades will be posted in PowerSchool and Canvas.

Absent/Missing/Late Work Procedure

    • Please let me know if you are going to be absent, if possible..
    • Go into Canvas and look for posted assignments. .
    • Late work policy
      • You must email me to let me know you have completed/redone an assignment. Your assignment will not be graded until you email me. Please remember to use the etiquette rules we discussed in class. 
      • Full credit can still be awarded for missing work.