- Happy Valley School
- Bright Vs. Gifted Child
Donna Berquist, AIG
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- Happy Valley School
- Bright Vs. Gifted Child
Bright Vs Gifted Children
A Bright Child....
A gifted child....
Knows the answer
Asks the questions - sometimes deep probing questions of an abstract nature.
Is interested.
Is highly curious
Is attentive
Is mentally and physically involved
Has good ideas
Has wild, silly ideas
Works hard
Plays around, yet tests well
Answers the questions
Discusses in detail, elaborates
Top Group
Beyond the group
Listens with interest
Shows strong feelings and opinions
Learns with ease
Already knows
6-8 repetitions for mastery
1-2 repetitions for mastery
Understands ideas
Constructs abstractions
Enjoys peers
Prefers adults or older children or seeks out other very bright or gifted peers.
Grasps the meaning
Draws inferences and opens up new questions.
Completes assignments
Initiates projects
Is receptive
Is intense
Copies accurately
Creates a new design
Enjoys school
Enjoys learning - but may hate school.
Absorbs information.
Manipulates information
Inventor - Loves construction toys
Good Memorizer
Good guesser - draws on vast information store.
Is alert
Is keenly observant - seems to remember fine details.
Is pleased with own learning
Is highly self-critical - can be perfectionistic to the point of tantrums when young.
Enjoys straight-forward and/or sequential presentation
Thrives on complexity - needs the whole picture. Requires a gestalt approach.