•       Welcome to the Hibriten Media Center


    I am Mrs. Johnson, the Digital Learning and Media Specialist. I am here to help you find books or materials. If you need a book recommendation, please ask! I would love to help you. I am also who you will see for technology help. This includes help with Chromebooks, computers, email, or passwords. I look forward to seeing you in the library. Please email me for help or with questions, rejohnson@caldwellschools.com.


    R. Johnson

    Library Hours: 7:40 - 3:15 (hours subject to change)

    1. Library books can be checked out for 2 weeks. 

    2. If you have overdue books, you will not allowed to check out another book until they are returned.

    3. If you lose or damage a book, you will be responsible for the replacement cost.

    4. You may use the media center to print materials or to use the computers if your teacher allows.

    5. No food or drinks are allowed in the media center.


    Please use the Destiny link below to access the HHS library catalog to see all books we have for check out.


    This link will take you to Destiny, our book catalog. Here you will be able to see all books and materials we have available at Hibriten. You log into Destiny using your Active Directory (desktop comptuer) log-in.

    If checking out from the CCPL is not feasible for you and you are a Caldwell Connect students, you can browse the HHS library catalog through the Destiny link above. You will need to email your book selections to Mrs. Johnson and she will let you know when you can pick them up from HHS.