

Degrees and Certifications:

Appalachian State University, BS Instrumental Music Education

Mr. Hunter Soots

Hunter Soots is a native of Caldwell County. He is a 2007 graduate of West Caldwell High School. In 2011, Mr. Soots graduted from Appalchian State University with a bachelor's degree in instrumental music education. From 2012-2015, Mr. Soots served as the choir director and assistant Band Director at West Caldwell High School. In the fall of 2015, Mr. Soots accepted the postion of Director of Bands at Hibriten High School. Under the direction of Mr. Soots, the Hibriten Symphonic Band has recieved straight superior ratings at North Carolina State MPA and Fiestaval Competitions in Atlanta, Georgia. In November of 2018, Mr. Soots received the Ed Rooker Encore award presented to four band directors each year through American School Band Director's Association. 


Mr. Soots email:

Mr. Soots Fall 2023 Schedule: 1st period planning, 2nd period Symphonic band, 3rd period Wind Ensemble, 4th period Honors Music Theory.