

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Alex Martin

I've been teaching here at Hibriten for 12 years now.  My education includes a BS in Biology (1996) from Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa.  I received my MS (2002) from Appalachian State University in Evoluationary Biology and Botany.  My family includes my wife, Maggie and two boys, Julius and Leo.  In my (little) free time, I enjoy playing in a rock and roll band, gardening, and running.

  • Period 1=Biology 111

    Period 2=Honors Biology

    Period 4=Honors Biology

  • 15271/p22691098_7366.jpg
    I expect my students to have: 1. A positive attitude 2. A strong work ethic 3. Integrity 4. Maturity 5. Fun
  • Earth Tomorrow Club

    We always need extra help with recycling after school on Thursdays. We're also in the process of building a water garden/water catchment system. Stay tuned for details if you want to help.