• Welcome to Mrs. Aldana's and Mrs. Lowman's Class!






    Important Things to Know 

                                              School Starts at 7:50 am

         Bus riders and Daycare students are dismissed at 2:30 pm

                            Car Riders are dismissed at 2:35


  •  BEP Classes  10:15-10:55
     Day 1  PE
     Day 2  Computer Lab
     Day 3 Art
     Day 4  PE
     Day 5  Media
     Day 6 Music




    For PE: Please wear tennis shoes on the day that we have PE. If all students wear tennis shoes on the day we have PE, the class gets a hornet. The class with the most hornets for the month gets a prize!

    Day of the week  Date  Day# for BEP Class  
    Thursday  9th Day 6 Music
     Friday 10th  Day 1 PE
    Monday 13th  Day 2 Computer Lab
    Tuesday 14th  Day 3 Art
    Wednesday 15th  Day 4 PE
    Thursday 16th Day 5 Media
    Friday  17th NO SCHOOL
    Monday 20th Day 6 Music
    Tuesday 21st

    Day 1 PE

    Wednesday 22nd

    Day 2 Computer Lab

    Thurday 23rd

    Day 3 Art

    Friday 24th

    Day 4 PE

    Monday 27th  Day 5 Media
    Tuesday 28th

    Day 6 Music

     Wednesday 29th  Day 1 PE
     Thursday 30th  Day 2 Computer Lab
     Friday 31 Day 3 Art








  • First Day!