• Looking through the Lens of Change
    The Common Core and Essential Standards
    Guide for Parents

    NC's READY Initiative 

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  • The READY Initiative refers to the new accountability model; Common Core and Essential Standards; efforts to support low performing schools and a stronger technology infrastructure statewide.

    Ø  The Common Core State Standards and the North Carolina Essential Standards will become the state’s new Standard Course of Study for all grades in the fall of 2012.

    Ø  READY is the name of the new accountability model that replaces the ABCs Accountability model. It is not an acronym, but a state goal to prepare (or to READY) students for college, careers and adulthood. The new accountability model will be piloted in 2012-13 with the first year of public reporting on the model to follow after the 2013-14 school year. 

    Ø  North Carolina’s Race to the Top federal funding ($400 million through 2014) will help support schools in the effort to ensure that more students are graduating and well prepared to attend college and compete globally.

    Ø  A statewide educator effectiveness system will provide more useful feedback to improve teacher and leadership, giving teachers a more active role in their own development.

    Ø  The Instructional Improvement System (IIS) will provide detailed student data for teachers, administrators and parents to be able to pinpoint student progress during any segment of time.

    READY is a component of Career and College Ready, Set, Go, which is still an active part of the state’s Race to the Top initiatives that include activities from pre-K to higher education.