• See You At the Pole

    We will be hosting this year's See You At The Pole

    (SYATP) on September 24.  We will be meeting in

    front of the flag pole in front of the school to pray

    and seek God's face. Everyone is encouraged to

     come and support our school's FCA by attending

     this meeting.  We hope to see you there!


    This was last year's SYATP.  We had a pretty

     good turn out. Thanks to everyone who came

     and endured the cold!   You guys rock!

  • Fields of Faith

    FOF Logo

    FCA will be hosting Fields of Faith this year for

     our  third year in a row. It will be held on

    Wednesday night, October 8 on the

     Football Field.  We are encouraging

     everyone to bring friends, family

     members, and youth pastors to come

     for scripture, singing and devotions.

    Specifics will be posted whenever we have

     more  details about who will be reading,

     singing, doing devotionals,

     and all of that other good stuff.