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    Link to Fun and Learning! 

    Please explore the sites below.  Just click on the name of the site to open it in a new window.


  • Sites for Students and Parents:

    Most of these sites seem like play but there is real learning taking place when you and your child visit them.

    ABC Ya - There are many games to play while working on math and reading concepts.

    DIBELS® Interventions Electrified - This site has many options of play as your child works on letter sounds, rhyme, putting words together , templates for sound sorting activities. DIBELS® is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group (DMG) and is not affiliated with this website.

    Fun 4 the Brain - This link will take you to many math games that will let your child practice math facts while playing.  There are also other subject areas to choose from through links at the top of the webpage.

    Gamequarium   - This site has many educational learning games for children to enjoy.    

    ict Games - This will link you to math games.  I recommend Year 1 and Year 2 games.  In year 1 the game 100 Hunt will give your child great practice in building an understanding of the patterns in numbers.

     Teach the Children Well - Here you will find many resources for different subjects.  The math link has some games to play.  The language arts has many ideas to help you assist your child in reading, writing, and spelling.  The science link has many interesting topics to investigate.  There is a lot to see and use here!


  • Learning Together:

    Children learn best when they use many of their senses during the learning experience.  You can lead your child in the same kind of fun learning they experience in centers in the classroom.  For great ideas visit these sites.

    First Grade Reading Activities - This site has many first grade reading activities to keep your first grader learning on the fly, all year long from punctuation games to vowel practice. 

    Internet 4 Classrooms - This site has all grade levels and many math and language arts activities.

  • Sites for Parents:

    We all have questions about our child(ren)'s development and seek parenting advise from time to time.  These sites offer a great deal of information for parents.

    Family Education - This site has information about all ages but this link takes you directly to the section on ages 7-11.

    Great Schools - Information about what to expect for writing in first grade.