

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Ainsley Bowers


My name is Ainsley Bowers. I am the new school counselor for all of Kings Creek School students this year. Though not native to North Carolina, I have spent the last 6 years of my life in the beautiful mountain areas of North Carolina. I attended Clemson University for my undergraduate studies in Multi-categorical Special Education and Elementary Education. Then, I spent a year teaching younger students with special needs before moving on to obtain my Graduate degree at Appalachian State University in Professional School Counseling. Please feel free to click through to my online calm down and learning, corner  for students and for more parent and teacher information. I am excited about working with you all this year!

Please contact me  or (828)754-6039 if you have questions or concerns throughout the year.  


"The only dreams that are impossible are the ones you never try to pursue. Take a leap of faith into the new I am here with you. "