• It's time for the Mini Me Research paper. All students will complete a 3-5 page reasearch paper on a person of importance in American history. The time period is from the Civil War through World War II. All the information you will need is on the document manager on my webite. All prework should be sent to me through my Google classroom on a Google doc. form.The final paper should be printed out and given to me by the close of school on February 13, 2015.

    Here is the schedule for the research paper:

     Mon 2- Choose topic                                    Mon. 9 Write paper

    Tues.-3 Research                                          Tues. 10 Continue Writing paper

    Wed.4 Research Continued                          Wed. 11 Cont. Writing paper, Peer Edit Rough Draft

    Thur. 5 Turn in Note Cards                          Thur. 12 Rough Drafts Peer Edit

    Fri.6 Thesis Statement                                  Fri. 13   Final Draft

    Click here to get the Notecard template.  

    Under file

    Click Make a Copy

    Save it with your name notecard template.
