

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Clawson

I have worked with children for 30 years in some capacity. I have been at GES for 13 years; 2 as a tutor and 11 as an IA. I have my 2 year Early Childhood Degree. I home-schooled my children for 5 years before I went back to work in the school system. I recently moved from First grade to Kinder.

"Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of true education." --Martin Luther King Jr.

My parents both worked in the school system in Caldwell County. My dad taught Drafting at Hibriten for 34 years. My mom was the Graphic Assistant at Hibriten in the Graphics Dept. Several of my friend's parents were educators as well. I knew early on that my calling was to work with young children. I feel like my job is really my ministry. I grew up in Gamewell, went to GES myself and have a love and pride for this community.

My favorite spot in Caldwell County is Tuttles State Forest and Wilson's Creek.

I enjoy spending time outdoors with my sons, husband and dog. Hiking, fishing, camping and playing golf are some of my favorite things to do.