

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Lail

Experience  I started my teaching career in October 2022 here at GMS! Last year I took over a 7th grade English/Language Arts classroom in February for a retiring teacher. While I am happy working with students in all subject areas, I am thrilled to be teaching Social Studies in 7th grade this year! Although Caldwell County is a wonderful school district overall, there is nowhere I would rather be than Gamewell Middle! I'm excited to learn and grow with my students this year!

Favorite Educational Quote and Why  “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Dr. Seuss The Lorax.  We have the chance as educators to make a difference in the lives of many students. If we care enough to be a positive influence in their lives and encourage them to be a positive influence to others, the impact we make is a lot bigger than we think.

Why I Became A Teacher  It was not my original plan to become a middle school educator. It was my dream to have an occupation where I felt like I was making a positive difference in the lives of others. To help change our society for the better. After obtaining my education, I had been searching for something to fit the bill for years. By chance, I was given the opportunity to teach at Gamewell Middle, and I feel like it is where I am meant to be!

Favorite Places in Caldwell County  My favorite place in Caldwell County would have to be my house. When I'm not teaching, I love to be at home spending time with my daughter and my dog!

Activites  I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking and baking, taking photos, and painting!