• Social Studies Google Classroom Header.png

    6th grade social studies is World Studies I.  That means that we learn about cultures and civilizations from early human society on up to the European Middle Ages, basically anything before the year 1400CE! 

    This includes Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Greek City-states, and the Roman Empire - just to name a few! 

    We will also learn about maps and geography in this class.

    🤔 This year's "BIG IDEA" 💡

    People and civilizations from long ago were anything but primitive.  Actually they had to be incredibly knowledgeable and resourceful to survive.  What lessons do our ancient ancestors have to teach us?

    Class Expectations:

    1.  ⏰ Log on to class Zoom meetings on time.  (You are given 5 minutes between classes to use the restroom and log in to your next class.)  

    2.  💻 Stay on the Zoom meeting for the entire class.  Do NOT leave until you are dismissed by the teacher.

    3.  👀 Stay visible on camera during Zoom meetings.  I should be able to see your face.

    4.  📵 Minimize distractions and stay on task.  This means that you should NOT be playing on your phone, watching TV, surfing the web, playing video games, etc.

    5.  🙋‍♂️ Participate in class discussions and activities.

    6.  😃 Maintain a respectful class environment.  

    ***LATE WORK will be accepted, but with a deduction of 3% off for each day past due.***