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    This page is dedicated to my family who have given me all their love and support 

    This is my family (before my oldest son got married)


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    My Mom and Dad

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    Jeremy and Alicia are both Chapel Hill (Tar Heel) Graduates! 

  •  Tim and his Christy

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    My son Jeremy Scott Whitley's wedding to his wife, Alicia Burnette

  • This is my youngest granddaughter, Amara       My oldest granddaughter, Zuri

    Granddaughters: Amara and Zuri

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    Jeremy reading one of his books to Zuri. Read me some more, Daddy!

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    The men in my life. Left to right Jeremy, Tim, my daddy, my husband, Robert and my brother, Jim.

  • Dobbie and Forest.   My comfort and joy

  • These are pictures of my family. I am so incredibly blessed by all of them that I wanted to make a page dedicated to the people give me the support and love to allow me to give so much of myself to these amazing students.