• 2/4/2022

    Dear Parent or Guardian,

    Your child has just completed the first half of the 2021-2022 school year! During this time, the teacher provided literacy instruction and conducted regular check-ins to determine his/her progress in skills that lead to being a proficient reader. We will continue to work toward a goal of reading proficiently for his/her grade level by the end of the year.

    North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction (DPI) selected mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition as the state’s K-3 Literacy Assessment. mCLASS® is an integrated literacy system based on the science of reading. All K-3 students are assessed at the beginning, middle, and end of year to monitor growth. Students are also progress monitored in between benchmark periods based on individual student data. 

    Your child’s teacher uses the data from mCLASS® to answer essential questions he/she has about your child’s learning needs and to improve academic outcomes for all students in the class. Please see your child’s Home Connect Letter for more information about his/her individual performance on the assessment. 

    Each Home Connect letter lists an overall composite score and the category that aligns with that score. The four categories are: has surpassed goal, has met goal, needs some support, or needs most support. Below the composite score is a list of subtests with an explanation and example. Your child’s performance level is beside each subtest. The number indicates where your child falls on the performance level key. See example below.

    Home Connect letters will be or were previously sent home with progress reports. Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions. 

    For more information:

    • mCLASS® and online parent resources


    • NC Early Literacy and online resources https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/classroom-resources/office-early-learning/early-literacy

    We are committed to working with your child on critical reading skills to help foster a love of reading. With our commitment and your help, we fully believe that your child will continue to achieve strong growth in literacy. We appreciate you and your partnership.