

Degrees and Certifications:

Cheryl Vosdingh

Welcome to our EC Resource classroom!

I started my career in education in 2006 as an assistant and received my B.S. in Special Education in 2013. I have always been at Dudley Shoals Elementary school, but now split my time with Sawmills Elementary School.

My passion is working with children and seeing the light in their eyes when something they were struggling with finally makes sense. I am committed to helping all students come to the realization that “they matter” in this world. I have a quote from the late Rita Pierson in my classroom, that my older students will learn to recite which is:

“I am somebody,
I was somebody when I came,
I will be a better somebody when I leave.
I am powerful and,
I am strong.
I deserve the education I get here,
I have things to do,
People to impress and,
Places to go.”

I am so very excited to be a part of the Sawmills Community!