
     Welcome to Ms. Lackey's

    4th Grade Class! 



    I will love and take care of your children as if they were my own!  I believe in team work when it comes to teaching!  It is our responsibility to work together to make sure your child succeeds.  I hold high expectations, because I believe in every child!  Children are our future and together we must prepare them to be the best they can be!  If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me!  I have an open-door policy!  I am here to help you and your child!


    Office hours: 12:20-1:20 

    email:  amlackey@caldwellschools.com

     Valmead Elementary School: 828-754-9612











    8:00-9:00     Office Hours/Recording/Planning/Students Morning Work/Breakfast/Go Noodle/Specials (Art, Music, or PE)

    9:00-9:30      Letterland Live

    9:30-10:30    Office Hours/Independent Work LL Work

    10:30-10:40  Big Ideas/Calendar/Number Counting

    10:40-12:15  Independent Math work/Lunch/Recess/Office Hours

    12:15-1:00    Wit and Wisdom/SS/Science/Social/Emotional Live 

    1:00-2:40      Independent WW/SS/Science/Imagine Learning/Zearn/Raz Kidz/Office hours/Planning/Recording 

    2:40-3:15      Outside Car Duty (Not available due to school duties)    





  • Nightly Homework


    Homework is written on the board daily and is to be copied in planner by student every morning.  Learning and accepting responsibility is a key part of life!!  

    Planner signed by parent every night!!

    Study for tests!


    Reading: Every Night: Letterland Spelling 

    *Please encourage your child to read their library book each night and bring back on Fridays to exchange.              





  • "I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom.  It's my daily mood that makes the weather.  As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous.  I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.  I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.  In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized." --Hiam Ginott


    I choose to be joyous and inspirational to my best ability with the life of your greatest accomplishment, your child!!  

    Love, Ms. Lackey