• Computer Skills

    Mrs. Edwards


    Office Hours: M-F 8:00-9:30am

    Last Update: 8/18/23

    Materials Needed:

    • Pen/pencil, paper, earbuds in class daily
    • One (1) folder to hold notes and handouts
    • Access to a device to complete assignments
      • Devices are provided in class. 

    Classroom Procedures and Expectations

    • Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Willing - PBIS expectations
    • There is no eating/drinking/chewing gum in the computer classroom
    • Upon entering classroom, log in to computers and be ready to begin learning
    • When exiting the classroom, wait to be dismissed by the teacher, push in your chair, and exit the room quietly.
    • Students are expected to complete unfinished assignments from that day's class, unless otherwise instructed.

    Absent/Missing/Late Work Procedure

    • Please let me know if you are going to be absent, if possible..
    • Go into Canvas for my class and look at the syllabus tab for assignments and due dates.  
    • It is VERY important that you pay attention to due dates. 
    • Missing assignments will be graded with a zero (0) until turned in. 

    Behavior Management

    GFMS uses the PBIS framework for behavior management. What is PBIS? Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where all students succeed through improved student outcomes, reduced exclusionary discipline, and improved teacher outcomes. 

    First offense: The classroom teacher implements PBIS strategies to improve behavior. Student is entered into the schoolwide behavior matrix as a warning. Student is notified privately of matrix entry. Teacher and student will conference in the hall about expectations. 

    Second (and after) offense: The classroom teacher continues to implement PBIS strategies to improve behavior. Student name is entered into the schoolwide behavior matrix. Student is notified privately of matrix entry and upcoming parent contact. Teacher and student will conference in the hall about expectations.  Parent contact is made.

    Extreme offenses: The classroom teacher cannot change outcomes with classroom level PBIS strategies therefore, the student will be sent directly to the office to speak with the principal or assistant principal. 

    Class Structure (see specific class information below)

    • 6th Grade: Keyboarding/Digital Citizenship
    • 7th Grade: Slideshows/Document Formatting
    • 8th Grade: Spreadsheets/Desktop Publishing

    Grading Policy

    • Grading policies are consistent with the expectations of Caldwell County Schools and are detailed in the GFMS handbook located in your child’s planner.  
    • You can expect to receive a minimum of one (1) grade each week for a total of nine (9) grades per nine weeks.
    • I believe the best measure of mastery of new knowledge is applying those skills in a “real-world” setting. For this reason, classwork will make up 80% of your grade.  Tests are given to show understanding of new concepts and vocabulary and will make up 20% of your grade. 
    • Students are responsible for making up all missed work in class.  
    • Assignments not turned in will receive a zero (0).
    • All grades will be posted in Canvas and Powerschool. 

    Additional Information

    • Daily lesson plans, assignments, and other necessary resources and information will be posted in Canvas.
    • Please remember that when you reach out to your teachers about grading/re-grading assignments, please be respectful and understand that current assignments will be graded and posted before any late work is graded.  If you see discrepancies, please respectfully contact me and I will look into the issue and communicate any changes to you. 

    6th Grade: Keyboarding/Digital Citizenship

    All standards are NC CTE Essential Standards from Business, Finance, and Information Technology Education and can be found at: https://files.nc.gov/dpi/documents/cte/curriculum/2019-20_cte_essential_standards.pdf

    Weeks 1-5: Keyboarding

    Students will use typing.com for typing practice

    • Week 1: Introduction to keyboarding and proper posture
      • A1.01-Implement proper keyboarding techniques
    • Week 2: Introduce alphabetic keys with correct finger/letter assignment 
      • A1.02-Execute the touch method in operating the alphabetic keys.
    • Week 3: Introduce number/symbol row and alphanumeric data entry
      • A2.01-Execute the touch method in operating the number/symbol keys
    • Week 4: Introduce numeric keypad
      • A2.02-Execute the touch method in operating the numeric keypad.
    • Week 5: Keyboarding wrap up/Introduce Digital Citizenship
      • A3.00- Understand and apply the touch method in operating the keyboard while increasing speed and accuracy.

    Weeks 5-9: Digital Citizenship

    Curriculum from Common Sense Media

    • Week 6: Digital Media Balance
      • D2.00-Understand the Internet and World Wide Web.
      • D5.00-Understand digital lifestyles.
    • Week 7: Private vs. Personal Information
      • D4.00-Understand computer security and privacy
      • D2.00-Understand the Internet and World Wide Web..
    • Week 8: Exploring your digital footprint
      • D5.00-Understand digital lifestyles.
      • D2.00-Understand the Internet and World Wide Web.
    • Week 9: Online communication/Cyberbullying
      • D2.00-Understand the Internet and World Wide Web.
      • D5.00-Understand digital lifestyles.

    7th Grade: Slideshows/Advanced Word Processing

    All standards are NC CTE Essential Standards from Business, Finance, and Information Technology Education and can be found at: https://files.nc.gov/dpi/documents/cte/curriculum/2019-20_cte_essential_standards.pdf

    Weeks 1-4: Advanced Word Processing 

    Microsoft Word

    • Week 1: Introduction to Advanced Word Processing
      • B4.01 Apply formatting and editing features and operational keys appropriately
    • Week 2: Paragraph Styles
      • B4.02 Apply paragraphs formats effectively
    • Week 3: Examining Types of Business Documents
      • B4.03 Apply document formatting techniques appropriately and effectively
    • Week 4: Formatting Tables in a Document
      • B4.04 Apply table formatting techniques appropriately and effectively

    Weeks 6-9: Slideshows


      • Week 6: Introduction to Slideshows
        • B2.01 Understand uses of presentation software.
      • Week 7: Purpose/Procedures for Developing a Slideshow
        • B2.02 Understand procedures for developing a presentation.
      • Week 8: Design Principles/Editing Slideshows
        • B2.02 Understand procedures for developing a presentation.
      • Week 9: Delivery Methods
        • B3.01 Understand various methods for delivery and distribution of a presentation.
      • Slideshow Project
        • Students will demonstrate new skills and  knowledge with a final project.

    8th Grade: Spreadsheets/Desktop Publishing

    All standards are NC CTE Essential Standards from Business, Finance, and Information Technology Education and can be found at:


    Weeks 1-5: Spreadsheets 

    Microsoft Excel

      • Week 1: Introduction to Spreadsheets
        • C4.01 Understand spreadsheets and components of spreadsheets.
      • Week 2: Formatting a Spreadsheet
        • C4.02 Understand spreadsheet formatting
      • Week 3: Using Formulas and Functions in Spreadsheets
        • C4.03 Understand spreadsheet operations
      • Week 4: Advanced Functions in Spreadsheets
        • C1.01 Understand advanced functions of spreadsheets
      • Week 5: Using Graphs and Charts in Spreadsheets
        • C1.02 Understand charts and graphs used in business
        • C1.03 Understand components of graphs and charts

     Weeks 5-9: Desktop Publishing

    Microsoft Publisher

    • Week 6: Introduction to Desktop Publishing
      • C3.01 Understand design principles
    • Week 7: Target Audience
      • C3.02 Understand target audience
    • Week 8: Examining Types of Publications
      • C3.03 Understand the purpose of a publication
    • Week 9: Publication Project
      • Students will demonstrate new skills and knowledge with a final project.