• CTE Health Science
    Andy Lanford
    2023-2024 Syllabus


      Hello parents and students!  Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!  Below is an outline of the major topics each grade will learn about as well as my classroom expectations!

    1- Classroom expectations- Pay attention, learn, feel free to ask questions,
    respect each other, be on task, be open to new activities, Smile!!

    2- 9 week objectives-

    –6-7th Grade-

    -Complete all assignments by due dates assigned. Learn medical terminology,
    skeletal system, muscular system, and medical professions, teeth, hair, skin, frog

    --8th Grade-

    -Complete all assignments by due date assigned. Learn medical terminology,
    medical professions, major organs of human body, CPR, biotechnology research,
    pig's heart dissection

    3- Materials needed- Computer/chromebook which are provided in class

    4- Grading- Assignments should be turned in on time. I will work with students
    that may be absent. I will help in any way I can so your child is successful in this
    class! Assignment grades will be posted to PowerSchool on a weekly basis. I
    will accept late work and change their grade if the work is turned in on a timely
    basis. Again, I will work with your child! Lesson plans will be in my Google
    Classroom! I do not assign homework.

    5- Contact- Please feel free to email me at alanford@caldwellschools.com

    6- Office hours- Email anytime to set up a meeting if needed anytime. I will
    make time to communicate with you!

    7- Resources-  All student assignments will be on my Google/Canvas
    Classroom, which each student and parent listed in PowerSchool will be invited
    to join. All lesson plans will be in my Google/Canvas Classroom!

    8- Classroom Behavior

    1. Student warning
    2. Student Individual Conference with Teacher / Parent Contact.
    3. Teacher gives natural consequences (silent lunch, help clean classroom, before
    or after school remediation) / Parent Contact.
    4. Teacher gives natural consequences and conducts face to face parent
    5. Office Referral / Team develops Check In Check out behavioral monitoring plan
    with parent input.