

Degrees and Certifications:

  • back to school

       School Supply List for Mrs. Aydlett's Class

    1 Durable Over The Head Earphones Labeled with
    Name (No Earbuds/No Wireless)
    1 1-inch, 3-ring binders with Clear Insert on Front
    1 Large Flat Pencil Pouch with 3 Holes for Binder
    (A small book should fit into it)
    1 Book Bag (no wheels) Labeled with Name
    Shared Items
    1 Pack Sheet Protectors
    1 box 24 Count Crayola Crayons
    2 packs PENCIL SIZED, BLACK, Expo Markers
    1 Pack of Glue Sticks
    2 Boxes of Tissues
    1 Box quart Ziploc Bags (Girls Only)
    1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer (Girls Only)
    1 Pack Baby Wipes (Boys Only)
    1 Box gallon Ziploc Bags (Boys Only)
    1 Box snack Ziploc Bags (Everyone)
    1 Container of Clorox Wipes (Everyone)


  • p

    Grading Policy

    4-Consistently Exceedingly Grade-Level Expectations

    3-Consistently Meeting Grade-Level Expectations

    2-Performing Below Grade-Level Expectations But Demonstarting Growth

    1-Performing Below Grade-Level Expectations And Having Considerable Difficulty 



    N-Needs Improvement

