• Welcome to Food and Nutrition I

    Teacher: Mrs. Weaver

    Food and Nutrition I (FN41)

    This course examines the nutritional needs of the individual. Emphasis is placed on the basics of food production, kitchen and meal management, food groups and their preparation, and time and resource management. Language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies are reinforced throughout this course.

    I look forward to working with you throughout the semester.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  

    School Phone:  828-396-2188 Ext: 386211 Email: jweaver@caldwellschools.com

    Available: 3rd Period (Planning)

    Foods I Course Outline 

    Unit 1.0

    Understanding the relationship between food choices and health.

    Unit 2.0 

    Understanding the fundamentals of food preparation

    Unit 3.0

    Understanding procedures, nutrition and cooking methods in food preparation.

    Unit 4.0

    Understanding procedures, equipment, and techniques applied to baking production.

    Unit 5.0

    Understanding the principles of etiquette for meal service.

    Unit 6.0 

    Apply methods for meal planning and preparation.


    Classroom Supplies Needed

    Clorox Disinfecting Wipes     


    These supplies will be shared by all students throughout the year.

    Student Materials Needed for Class:

    1 - One subject spiral notebook

    2 - Glue Sticks

    9-Week Grading Policy

    Test:   Test/Projects ..... 40%

    Cooking/Lab: ........... 30%

    Course Work: ........... 30%

    ** All students must earn a grade of 70 or better on each test and have no missing assignments in order to participate in cooking labs. (Students are required to do test corrections.)

    Semester Grading Policy:

    First 9-Weeks grade .......... 40%

    Second 9-Weeks grade ...... 40%

    CTE (Final Exam) ............. 20%

    Classroom & Lab Rules:

    1. Be PromptBe on time, on task and prepared to learn EVERYDAY

    2. RespectThe teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself.

    3. Be Responsible for your own learning.

    4. Keep all personal electronics in the holder in the classroom and lab.

    5. No Food or Soda allowed in the Classroom. (Only Water)

    6. No Horseplay in the lab. This will result in the loss of lab time as well as point deduction for classwork grade.