•      EOG Testing Tips

    Testing Tips for Parents

    In the weeks prior to testing, parents can do the following:

    • Allow your child to practice “endurance” reading.

      • The reading portion of the EOG requires focus and stamina, and building up your child's endurance for reading may be helpful.

    • Ask your child questions about what they are reading. 

      • Study with them to show your support.

    • Encourage calculator use and make sure that your child is using the calculator appropriately to solve math problems.

      • The calculator is only helpful if it is used correctly.

    • Review strategies for solving math problems.

      • Pose a problem and see how many different ways your child can solve it. This encourages higher order thinking skills.

    The week of testing, parents can:

    • Avoid scheduling appointments on test dates.

    • Make sure your child is on time the day of testing.

    • Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep the night prior to testing.

      • Most children need at least 9 to 10 hours of sleep each night.

    • Provide a healthy breakfast.

      • Include protein and try to avoid high-sugar foods.

    • Encourage your child to listen to and follow all directions given by the test administrator.

    • Talk with them about any anxieties they may be experiencing.

      •  You can help reduce anxiety by reminding your child to do his or her best but not to stress!

    • Keep a positive attitude about testing in general.

    Testing Tips for Students


    • Be aware of the test time limits.

      • Keep track of how much time you have remaining and try not to spend too much time on items that you are unsure of. (You can always come back to them once you have completed the items you do know.)

    •  Answer the easy questions first and then move on to more difficult items.

    •  Answer all the questions, even if you do not know the answer.

    •  Mark in the test with the tools and circle key words in the question to keep you focused.

      • This isn't just for paper/pencil tests. You can do this for online testing as well!

    •  Use all of the time allotted to you.

      • If you have extra time, review your answers and make sure you haven't missed any.

    Multiple Choice Questions:

    • Anticipate the answer before looking at your answer options.

      • Physically cover the answer with your hand to see if you can answer it first.

    • Use the process of elimination to rule out highly unlikely answers.

      • If one of the items is an “All of the Above” option and you know that at least one of the other options is incorrect/false, then you can eliminate the “All of the Above” option as well.

    • Be aware of words like “always,” “never,” “only,” “must,” and “completely.”

      • Response options containing these words may be correct, but are usually distracters as there will usually be exceptions to extreme words such as these.

    • Be cautious about changing your answer on a multiple-choice question without a good reason.

      • Usually, your first “guess” or intuition is more likely to be correct than later ones.

    Don't forget:

    This is only a test!  We want to see how much you have learned this year but a test does not measure your heart, your work ethic, your kindness, your creativity, your resilience, etc.! Just try your best!