• Helpful Links for World History:

    Course Syllabus: 

    North Carolina State Standards: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/11822/open


    Grading Scale:

    A+ 99-100

    A   92-98

    A-  90-91

    B+ 88-89

    B   82-87

    B-  80-81

    C+ 78-79

    C   72-77

    C-  70-71

    D   60-69

    F    Below 60

    Grading Policies:

    Assignment Weights:

    Tests/Quizzes/Essays/Projects: 60%

    Classwork/Homework/Participation: 40%

    Late Work Policy:

    Any work that is not turned in on time will receive a ⅓ letter grade deduction for every day the assignment is not turned in. Students have one week from the due date to turn in the assignment. After one week from the due date the assignment can no longer be turned in. Please refer to Power School for assignment due dates.