• NC Public Schools 2nd & 3rd Grade
    Information and Technology Essential Standards

    2.SI.1 Categorize Sources of Information as appropriate or inappropriate.
    2.IN.1 Understand appropriate procedures when reading for enjoyment and information.
    2.TT.1 Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
    2.RP.1 Apply the research process by participating in whole-class research.
    2.SE.1. Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.

    3.SI.1 Categorize Sources of Information for specific purposes.
    3.IN.1 Apply strategies that are appropriate when reading for enjoyment and for information.
    3.TT.1 Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
    3.RP.1 Apply a research process as part of collaborative research.
    3.SE.1 Understnad issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.

    More detailed information for Information & Technology Essectial Standards, Digital Teaching & Learning can be found at

    Below are some programs that we use during the school year.


TECHNOLOGY Grades 2 & 3