

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Appalachian State University

Mrs. Chelsey Ramsey Cloninger

This is my ninth year of teaching at Dudley Shoals Elementary. I taught 2nd grade my first year and moved to 3rd grade, where I have been ever since.

I am a native of Caldwell County and attended Sawmills Elementary, Hudson Middle, and then graduated from West Caldwell High School.

After high school, I discovered my passion for teaching and continued my education at Appalachian State University, where I earned my degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math, Science & Technology.

After graduating, I started at Dudley Elementary as an interim in fourth grade and was later hired as the new 2nd grade teacher. 

I am married to the love of my life, Chris. We just had our first sweet child, Asher!  We also have a sweet goldendoodle named Paisley Grace. Outside of school, I love spending time with my sweet boy, family and friends, going to church, hiking, traveling, and exercising.