Phone: (828) 728-9531 x237


Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary Education, Univ. of Pittsburgh National Board Certified, 2005

Mrs. Michele Lechtner

My name is Michele Lechtner and I am a third grade teacher at Baton Elementary. I have been at Baton Elementary since 1997. I am originally from Pennsylvania. My parents, brother, and extended family still live there. We travel there in the summer to visit. I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Elementary Education. I received my National Board certification in December of 2005. I am an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Fall and football season are my favorie times of the year.

I have been married to Mr. Lechtner for 30 years. We have three terrific girls. Ashley and her husband, Brian, and our 5 fur grandkids live in Atlanta, GA. Kelsey, her boyfriend, Cody, and their dog Pig live in Conover.. Emily is a senior at NCState University. She is studying Biochemistry and Biology. We also have two 4-legged "kids", Murphy and Maggie, that we adore.

When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading, traveling, and kayaking.

I look forward to spending this year together.