Phone: 828-396-2222 Ext. 340303


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amanda Stroupe

I graduated from Appalachian State University with a degree in Elementary Education in 1998, and in 2002 received National Board Certification. In 2009 I participated in the Educators of Excellence program through the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. This program allowed me to travel to Yellowstone National Park with a group of amazing educators. I grew in my personal love of learning, especially while in the great outdoors. In 2014 I became a Jr staff member of the National Paideia Center.  This group of educators believes that all children can actively learn through civil discussion of challenging text. Being a part of both of these groups has shaped me as a teacher, and helped me set my ultimate teaching goal.

My long term and short term goal for my students are one in the same: grow in a love of learning. Each day I do my best to inspire my students to be inquisitive in nature, accepting of mistakes, and eager to improve. I hope my students always go home excited to share something they did/learned/experienced at school.