Criminal Background Checks for Volunteers

  • Volunteers who are interested in serving as a chaperone, math tutor, reading tutor or volunteer coach are required to have a criminal background check prior to participation. In these specific areas of volunteerism,  applicants must also have prior permission from the school administrator before completing the online application. The volunteer tracker application form is posted at under community tab/volunteers or at each school website under parents and community. 

    Volunteer Coordinators are available at each school to assist parents with completing the online volunteer application form. Any volunteer who has selected a Level 3 must have an approved criminal background check before an assignment is given. For all other areas of volunteerism, volunteers may select volunteer activities in Level 1 or Level 2. These activities include Athletic Boosters, Classroom Projects, School Fairs/Festivals, Field Day, Concessions, Presenters, Test Proctor, Clerical Assistance, and many other areas of volunteer service.

    For volunteers who select a Level 3, there is no cost to the volunteer for processing a criminal background check, except for volunteer chaperones attending overnight field trips for two or more consecutive nights. The criminal background check is effective for two years.  If any indiscretion, suspicious activity, or criminal act of a school volunteer is brought to the attention of the principal or superintendent's office, principals may request a current criminal background check at any time.

    If a questionable criminal activity is listed on a criminal background check report, principals will be notified. Volunteers will be notified electronically if their application is approved or disapproved for Level 3 volunteer participation based on the findings of the criminal background check.