

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor in Science in Elementary Education (Magna Cum Laude)

Mrs. Kathy Norman

Mrs. Norman graduated from Appalachian State University in December of 1996. Upon graduating from ASU she began teaching at Davenport A+ School. Over the past 27 years she has taught first, second and fifth grade at Davenport. Currently she is teaching fifth grade with a focus in science, which is her passion. Mrs. Norman was especially interested in science and language arts growing up. Today she integrates her passion into her teaching style each and every day. She encourages and fosters a love of science into her students. Through her educational career, she has been voted as teacher of the year twice. She was voted Davenport's teacher of the academic year for 2023-2024 and is honored to serve and represent Davenport A+ School to the best of her ability.