Welcome to Second Grade

      **Please know I am available by email if you need anything or have questions.**

Encore Schedule

  • Encore Classes are everyday. 
    Day 1- Music
    Day 2- P.E
    Day 3- Media
    Day 4- Guidance
    Day 5- Fit Lab
    Day 6- Art

Our Class Schedule


     Daily Schedule

    7:45- 8:15 Morning Work
    8:15- 8:30 Morning Meeting
    8:30- 9:50 Math
    9:50-10:10 Read Aloud
    10:10-10:40 Recess
    10:40-11:45 Reading
    11:45-11:55 Bathroom Break
    11:55-12:25 Lunch
    12:25- 1:15 ENCORE
    1:15-1:45 Letterland
    1:45-2:30 Writing
    2:30-3:00 Science/Social Studies this will rotate)
    3:02 Dismissal

News To Note


    • The best and quickest way to contact me is by email
    • My planning time is at 12:20. I can not make or return phone calls until this time and sometimes not even until the end of the day due to meetings. Please respect our instructional time. 
    • Phone calls will NOT be answered during the instructional part of our day. You may leave me a voicemail and I will call you back as soon as I can. Please do not leave urgent or time sensitive messages on my voicemail.
    • **I do NOT go through backpacks so please do not count on me to "find" anything in there (notes, homework etc).
    • Technology Resources for families

Phone: 704-260-6070 ext 1322


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education- UNCC Master of Arts in Elementary Education- Wingate University

Mrs. Hartsell

This is my seventeenth year teaching in Cabarrus County. I graduated from UNC-Charlotte with my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education K-6 and from Wingate University with my Masters Degree in Education. I taught 2nd grade for several years before coming to Bethel and spent my first 8 years at Bethel teaching 1st grade. I am excited about being back in 2nd grade.  I look forward to working with you and making this a wonderful year full of learning and fun for your child!
Last Modified on August 23, 2022