What is STEM?

  • STEM instruction uses innovation, collaboration, and problem-based learning to guide student learning. It is predicted that 80% of new jobs will require math, science, and engineering, and more than 50% of the technical workforce will retire soon, it is more important than ever to inspire students to pursue careers in all of these fields.

    Program Description

    The program revolves around solving global problems-utilizing a problem-based learning model that begins with a real-world problem and works toward finding solutions to solve that problem. The curriculum emphasizes connections within and between the fields of mathematics and science with heavy and meaningful integration of technology. The arts and humanities further integrate the STEM disciplines, and all courses highlight the role of STEM in the global society and economy.

    The STEM experience can begin at Beverly Hills. This grade K-5 program will use a problem-based learning approach to delivering the curriculum. This program will focus on solving real-world problems that require the use of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Each student will continue to study the Common Core State Standards, however, the focus of the curricular experiences will be problem-solving to gain a deeper understanding of content. A student enrolled in our STEM program will be able to continue their STEM education throughout their school career in middle and high school through Program Choice.

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