
Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Exceptional Student Education

Ms. Jessica Ducos


I am the 6th grade EC teacher and work closely with the English Language Arts and Math teachers.  I was born and raised in NYC and moved to Miami, Florida, where I received my Bachelors in Exceptional Student Education. In 2018, I moved to North Carolina; MPMS has been my home for the last three years. I enjoy working with the staff, students and parents. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  




Google Voice:  704-781-8776

My office hours are (available through phone/email/text) Monday-Friday 9:30am - 11:00am. Outside of those hours, you are more than welcome to email, and I will respond as soon as I can.

I will be "out of the office" from 4pm - 8:30am.


Canvas/Microsoft Teams

3rd Period Inclusion Math:   11:10—12:10

4th Period Inclusion ELA:    12:13-1:54

5th Period ELA (Resource):  1:57 – 2:57

6th Period Math (Resource): 3:00- 4:00


Looking on the right side of the screen, scroll down just a little and you will see buttons for Canvas, Clever, Aleks, Discovery Education.